Every day we
Act honestly and consistently
By courageously
So that
We can earn the trust and respect of our peers, and consistently strive to be our best in all situations.
Every day we
Take responsibility for our actions
By courageously
So that
We accomplish our goals and demonstrate reliability in the Kelley community
Every day we
Enthusiastically seek challenges and strive for excellence
By courageously
So that
We become more disciplined and resilient
Every day we
Value and help others—not just those who are in a position to benefit us—and treat them with respect and dignity
By courageously
So that
We capitalize on our diversity, practice gratitude with one another, and inspire one another to give our best effort
Every day we
Work collegially and effectively with others to overcome challenges and accomplish what we cannot do individually
By courageously
So that
We create better solutions and forge a community built on meaningful relationships