Last update: November 2024
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business Assistant Professor of Marketing
Ph.D. in Marketing
University of Maryland, College Park, MD M.A. Economics
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY Bachelor of Economics
Peking University, Beijing, China
HH2100 1309 E. 10th Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
July 2019 – current
May 2019
May 2014
June 2012
Substantive: Digital Marketing (live streaming, influencer marketing, freemium, mobile marketing), Market Competition
Methodological: Causal Inference, Econometric Models, Machine Learning, Field Experiment, Bayesian Models
1. Gu, Xian and P. K. Kannan (2024), “Identifying Competitors in Geographical Markets using the CSIS Method”, Forthcoming, Journal of Marketing Research
2. Gu, Xian, Xiaoxi Zhang*, and P. K. Kannan (2024), “Influencer Mix Strategies in Livestream Commerce: Impact on Product Sales”, Journal of Marketing, 88 (4), 64-83.
Invited for Research Insights Series with the AMA’s Innovation, Technology, and Interactivity SIG
Invited for The Power of Micro-Influencers Workshop by the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Branding
Invited for 2023 IBA Faculty Research Spotlight Series and featured in IBA OnAnalytics magazine (Fall 2024)
2023 Kelley School of Business Research Award
3. Gu, Xian and P. K. Kannan (2021), “The Dark Side of Mobile App Adoption: Examining the Impact on Customers’ Multichannel Purchase,” Journal of Marketing Research, 58 (2),
2022 Donald R. Lehmann Award
4. Gu, Xian, P. K. Kannan, and Liye Ma (2018), “Selling the Premium in Freemium,” Journal of Marketing, 82 (6), 10-27 (lead article).
2019 Donald R. Lehmann Award, Runner up
2018 Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award, Finalist Invited for webinar by Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Marketing
5. Keyser, Arne De, Yakov Bart, Xian Gu, Stephanie Q. Liu, Stacey G. Robinson, and P. K. Kannan (2021), “Opportunities and Challenges of Using Biometrics for Business: Developing a Research Agenda,” Journal of Business Research, 136, 52-62.
1. Gu, Xian, Jingcun Cao, and Yulin Fang, “Review Manipulation and Filtering on Digital Platforms”, Under 3rd-Round Review, Information Systems Research
2. Gu, Xian, Juan Bu, and Krista Li, “Old But Gold? Product Design Innovation and the Value of Used Products in Secondhand Markets”, Invited for 3rd-Round Review, Production and Operations Management
3. Li, Krista, Jianqiang Zhang, Xian Gu, and Guangqi Dong*, “Live Stream Selling and Pay-What-You-Want Tips”, Invited for 2nd-Round Review, Management Science
4. “Product Mix Strategies in Influencer Marketing,” with Sheng Liu* and Yiwei Li
5. “The Impact of Open Access on Book Sales and Downloads: Evidence from A Field Experiment,” with Xiaoxi Zhang and Lin Lei*
6. “The Dynamics of Influencer Marketing Strategies,” with Phillip Kim* and Maximilian Peter Matthe
7. “The Role of Influencer Marketing in Customer Journey,” with Xiaoxi Zhang and Maximilian Beichert
1. Beichert, Maximilian, Xiaoxi Zhang, Andreas Bayerl, Jacob Goldenberg, Xian Gu, P. K. Kannan, and Andreas Lanz (2024), “The Surprising ROI of Small Online Influencers,” MIT Sloan Management Review.
2. Kannan, P. K., Xian Gu and Hongshuang (Alice) Li (2023), “Selecting and Optimizing the Freemium Sales Model,” Impact at JMR.
3. Gu, Xian, P. K. Kannan and Liye Ma (2019), “How Companies Can Get the Most Out of a
Freemium Business Model,” Harvard Business Review.
4. Kannan, P. K., and Xian Gu (2019), “Customer Centricity and the Impact of Technology,” in Robert W. Palmatier, Christine Moorman, and Ju-Yeon Lee, eds., Handbook on Customer Centricity, Edward Elgar Publishing: Massachusetts, 300-316.
1. Digital Marketing (undergraduate), Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Instructor, Spring 2024/Spring 2023/Spring 2022/Fall 2020/Spring 2020
2. Social Media in Marketing (Ph.D.), Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Instructor (one session), Fall 2021
3. Marketing Research Methods (undergraduate), Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
Instructor, Spring 2019/Spring 2017
Marketing Dynamics Conference, Santorini Island, Greece (June 2024)
The Power of Micro-Influencers Workshop by the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Branding, Online (April 2024)
IBA Faulty Research Spotlight Series, Bloomington, IN (February 2024) AMA Winter Academic Conference, St. Pete Beach, FL (February 2024) Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China (December 2023) Fudan University, Shanghai, China (November 2023)
ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Miami, FL (June 2023)
AMA Winter Academic Conference, Nashville, TN (February 2023) ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Chicago, IL (June 2022)
AMA Winter Academic Conference, Las Vegas, NV (February 2022) ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Durham, NC (June 2020) Marketing Dynamics Conference, College Park, MD (June 2019) ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Philadelphia, PA (June 2018) Haring Symposium, Bloomington, IN (April 2018)
Marketing Dynamics Conference, Hong Kong, China (August 2017) ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles, CA (June 2017) Robert Mittelstaedt Doctoral Symposium, Lincoln, NE (March 2017) AMA Winter Academic Conference, Orlando, FL (February 2017) ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Shanghai, China (June 2016)
Advanced Research Techniques (ART) Forum, San Diego, CA (June 2015)
2023 Kelley School of Business Research Award
2023 ISMS Early Career Scholars Camp Fellow 2022 Donald R. Lehmann Award
2019 Donald R. Lehmann Award (Runner Up)
2019 AMS Mary Kay Dissertation Proposal Award (Finalist) 2018 Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award (Finalist) 2018 AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow
2018 Haring Symposium Fellow
2017 Shankar-Spiegel Best Dissertation Proposal Award 2017 Robert Mittelstaedt Doctoral Symposium Fellow
2016 INFORMS Marketing Science Doctoral Consortium Fellow
Doctoral Dissertation/Examination Committee: Philip Kim (2024, Indiana University) Sohum Mehrotra (2024, Indiana University) Aman Soni (2024, University of Pittsburg) Joanna Li (2023, Indiana University)
Editorial Review Board Member:
Journal of Interactive Marketing (2024-) Journal of Retailing (2022-)
Ad-hoc Reviewer for Journals:
Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Information System Research, Production and Operations Management, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Retailing
Reviewer for Others:
John A. Howard/AMA Doctoral Dissertation Award Shankar-Spiegel Best Dissertation Proposal Competition